Thanks to all who attended the Village Voices lecture last evening–even though it meant missing part of the Nats game. Here are the books mentioned in the presentation.
Disease and History Books
The Great Mortality, John Kelly
The Great Influenza, John M. Barry
The American Plague, Molly Caldwell Crosby
The Cholera Years, Charles E. Rosenberg
Disease in History, Frederick F. Cartwright
Epidemics in History, Sheldon Watts
The Greatest Benefit to Mankind, Roy Porter
Death in Hamburg, Richard J. Evans
The Other Slavery, Andres Resendez
The End of the Beginning, Michael Kinch
Vaccine Race, Meredith Wadman
Between Hope and Fear, Michael Kinch
Autism’s False Prophets, Paul A. Offit
Bad Faith, Paul A. Offit